
Interview in English For Communication Or PBO Jobs Part 1St

 Interview in English For Communication Or PBO Jobs. < I >

1.    Self introduction.
I am mainuddin Ansari.
Son son of Allauddin Ansari.
From Dhanauti , Siwan,Bihar.
I have complete intermediate examination in 2009 From B.R.D. INTER Collage, Bhatpar rani ,Deoriya, U.P.
I have complete BCA  semester five from PTU in siwan ZAIC.
My strength is hard working and honesty.
My hobby is conversation of any friend or any people and listening song.
I want to become a successful profecional.
                                  It is my sort introduction. If you know more and more about me you can  ask me.

2. BPO
BPO means business process out source. This is that process where a company are processing our work by other company.(viuk dke fdlh nqljs ls djokuk)
 3. BPO Company.
BPO Company means Business Process Outsourcing Company. Which company take other company work and process his work then provide his work that is called PBO Company(tksa dEifu nqljs dEiuh dk dke ysdj process djus ds ckn ykSVk nsrh gS!).
Example:- Converges, HCL, Wipro, E-excell, jenpact.

4. Merits of BPO Company.
BPO Company dks Hkkjr es vkus ls Hkkjr fd vkFkhZd LFkhrh etcqr gks xbZ gS! f”k{khr csjkstxkjks dks jkstxkj fnykus es bUgksus vge~ Hkqehdk fuHkbZ gS! bl BPO Company ds lkgk;rk ls gj f”k{khr cs jkstxkj vius lk{kkjrk dk ykHk mBk jgs gS! rFkk uo;qod dk career etcqr gks jgk gS!
5. Meaning of out sourcing.
A company gives our some work of other company that is called out sourcing(viuk dke nqljs dks nsuk).
6. In bound process call center.
In bound process call center are that department of call center where costumer call received and understand his problem after that solve his problem.

7. Call center.
 Call center is that department of company where costumer call received and understands his problem after that solve his problem. And this is that department of company where product of company after provides new information of costumer.
Call center dk og department tgk costumer ds call ds receive djds muds leL;k dks le>dj lkgk;rk ,oa Bhd fd;k tkrk gS! vkS dEiuh }kjk fd, x, u, product afar ds fo’; es tkudkjh;k fn, tkrs gS!

8. 0utbound process call center.
Out bound process call center is that department of call center where provide to costumer of new oprdoduct of company knowledge by call (tgk ls dEiuh dh product dh tkudkfj;k nh tkrh gS!).

9. Costumer care.
This is that department of company where costumer call received and understand his problem after that do the costumer problem are solve.

10. Tele caller and Tele seller.
Tele caller and tale seller is that person of company which provide of knowledge of new product offer by company subject to costumer (tks dEiuh }jk fd, x, product afar ds subject dks tkudkjh nsrk gS mls Tele caller or Tele saller dgrs gS! ).
11. The important things of outgoing call.
I think of making out going call fist of all I will be respected by great, wish as good morning word. After that I will be give him our self introduction. After that I will be take his self introduction requirement. After that I well be obey him that I want to give knowledge to you of our product.
By his ability, I will be give knowledge him of our product offer. And after of give knowledge him I will asks him that do you want to one of and take knowledge. If he/she said me that yes, then I be repeat our product knowledge, and he/she said me that no than I said him “thank you for contact with me.” good bay.

eS out going call ds fy, lksprk gq fd lcls igys costumer dks lacksf/kr djrs gq,] ueLdkj vFok good morning dgqxk~A blds ckn viuk self interoduction nqaxkA mlds ckn costumer ds sort introduction ysus ds ckn eS mlls vkKk fd eS vius dEiuh ds u, product offer ds subject dks vkidks tkudkjh nsuk pkgrk gqA mlds vkKk vuq”kkj eS mls vius product offer ds subject dks tkudkjh nqxkA vkSj vius product offer ds subject fd tkudkjh nsus dsk tkudkjh nsus ds ckn eS mlls iqqNqxk fd D;k vki fQj ls product  offer ds tkudkjh ysuk pkgrs gSA
;nh gkW dgsxk rks tkudkjh fQj ls nsxs ;nh ugh dgsxk rks eS vius ls lEca/k cuk, j[kus ds fy, /kU;ckn nsxsA

12. The important things of incoming calls.
I think of making incoming call first of all I will be received of costumer call. After that I respect him by great wish word as good morning and welcome to contact helpline. After that I will be give
him our self introduction in sort sentence, I will be take costumer introduction as I said him that “may I know your name and mobile no.” after that take knowledge of sort introduction. I ask costumer that “may I help you? Than costumer will be provide knowledge his problem subject. After that I will be good listening, good understanding, and after I will be good solution of his problem. After that do of his all problem solution. I ask him that “are you satisfied with me?” if the costumer said yes than I told him “thank you for contact in contact helpline.” after that I will be reject costumer call or the costumer will be reject costumer care call.

13. How will you handle irate/angry costumer?
I shall handle irate/angry costumer with soft skill. I should talk politely, soft skill with and convince in respected word. At the time of talk I shall be talk him cool mind and helpful mode. We should to take him by respected word as sorry, good morning, and great wish e.t.c. we should so kindly on costumer and satisfied to him by solve his problem. And we should that don’t tension in your Feature life not come to this position with you. I am very efficient. I will not be angry/irate with costumer.
Ukjkt costumer dks handle djus ds fy, lcls igys ges politely, soft skill with respected, cool mind and helpful and great wish dks /;ku es j[k dj gh ckr djuh pkfg,A vkSj blds lkFk ;g Hkh /;ku es j[kuk gksxk fd mufd ckr le>uk vkSj muis sympathy gksuk] {kek fd ;kpuk djuk] muds le”;k dk lgh lkek/ku djuk]muds fcp good listening dk /;ku nsuk Hkh vrh vko”;d gSaA
lcls igys mldks greet, wish djrs gq, vius service es welcome djsxs] blds ckn vki esjs service es lEidZ fd, gks blfd tkudkjh nsxs] blds ckn mufd le”;k dks tkusxs@iqNsxs costumer ds le”;kvks dks vkSj good listening ds rjhds ls lqusxsA under spendable jgsxs] muds izrh sympathy jgsxsA apology jgsxs vkSj mufd le”;kvks dj right solution djsxs vkSj gk mudks bl ckr dk ;dhu fnyk,xs fd vc ls ,slk xyrh ugh gksxkA mudks satisfied djrs gq, mUgs service call djus ds fy, /kU;ckn dgdj call reject djus dks dgsxs] vkS costomer call reject dj nsxsA
fdlh Hkh gkykr es ges ukjkt xzkgd ls ukjkt ugh gksuk gSA ?kcjkuk Hkh ugh gSA
14. How should a professional behavior with costumer.
zFor I should professional behavior with costumer. First of all we should be abode politely, soft skill with respect, cool mind and help full, great, wise, and good listening and understandable, Apology, sympathy dks /;ku es j[kuk gksxkA sorry cksyuk pkfg, rFkk muds problem dk right solution djuk pkfg,A mudh Le”;kvks ij n;kyqrk (kaindly) fn[kuk pkfg, rFkk mudks fo”okl fnyku pkfg, fd fQj ls ,slk xyrh ugh gksxkA dguk pkfb, fd vki fu”phUr jgh, eS ,slk ufg gksus nqxkA vkids lkFk ,slk gksus ls ges cgksr nq[k gSA

15. What should be the language and behavior of all professional (vkifd Hkk’k vkSj vkpj.k professional ds lkFk dSlk gksuk pkfg,A )
Ans :- politely, softly with respect , cool mind and  helpful etc. gksuk pkfg,A

16. How can you promote business? What is business promotion (C;kikj dks vki dSls c<+k ldrs gks?)
Ans:- business dks c<+kus ds fy, ges hard working djuk gksxkA honesty jguk gksxkA product ds fOk’; es ges lgh tkudkjh tkudkjh nsuk gksxkA le; dk management djuk gksxkA costumer ds lkFk good behavior djuk gksxkA costomer dks larq’B djuk gksxkA costumer ls good contact  networking djuk gksxkA costumer dks product promotion djuk gksxkA  vkSj vius dke djus dk rjhdk vPNk j[kuk gksxkA
*“Business promotion(C;kikj fd mUurh)”*
C;kikj fd mUurh og gksrh gSA ftles deZpkjhvks ds la[;k es C;kikjhd ykHk] C;ijhd iqth] vkSj C;ikj dk HkHkh’; mToy vkSj mUurh gksrk gSA

17. How will you convince costumer for product? Or how can you become a good sales man (vki costumer dks fdl izdkj ls convince djksxs fd og fd, gq, product dks [kjhns?)
Ans :- product dks sales djus ds fy, lcls igys ge costumer dks product ds fo’; es tkudkjh nsxsA product ls lEcaf/kr lHkh knowledge dks costumer ds fcp explain djsxsaA costumer dks bZl production ls gksus okys profit dk knowledge nsxsaA vkSj vius costumer ds lkFk good consumer behavior dk C;ksgkj djsxsaA

18. What are the most important things which attract costumer(xzgd dks vkdf’kZr djus ds fy, dkSu&dSu lh egRoiq.kZ fpts gS)?
Ans:- dksbZ Hkh costumer product offer ds profit and advantages vkSj nature and good behavior ij and costumer geslk discount ls vkdf’kZr gksrs gSA

19. What do you know about our company(vki gekjh dEiuh ds ckjs es D;k tkurs gS)?
Ans:- I have knowledge about your company that your company is very famous company. All people have knowledge about your company. And your companies have that power, that hobby, product of hobby offer.(vkids dEiuh dh tkudkjh ges lkekpkj i= ,oa nks’rks }kjk feyh gSA )

20. Why should we hire you or appoint or give you choice or select you for job(ges vkidks bl ukSdjh ds fy, D;ks fu;qDr djuk pkfg,)?
Ans:- because I am good learner, hard worker, honest and I can meet our complete target. I can give profit to company.
              Sir, give me one chance.
              Sir ,please give me.

21. What can you do for us that some us else can’t(vki esjs fy, D;k dj ldrs gS tks nqljk ufg dj ldrk)?
Ans:- I am hard worker, honesty, I am work under pressur. ftlls vki fd dEiuh dks highlight dj ldrk gqA

22. Why are you looking for a new career else(vki ubZ career es bls fdl izdkj ns[krs gSk)?
Ans:- I look for a new career else that my work experience is highlight.

23. Can you work will under deadliness or pressure target(D;k vki ncko es dke dj ldrs gSA)?  
Ans:- well, I can work very well in this condition. Without deadline and target know no one can grow. Working without this is meaningless (say this answer with full confidence & happy face).yes sir I am able.

24. How much do you accept if we offer you this position? And what is your salary expectation?
And:- As per company policy.

25. What is your career goal? What is the aim of your life? (vki vius ftou es D;k djuk pkgrs gSA)?
Ans:- I want to become a success full professional.

26. What are your strong point and strength? (vki fd etcqr i{k D;k gS)?
Ans:- My strong point,
              I am good learner, hard worker, honest, I can meet our company, I can give profit to company.
27. What is your week point? (vki fd detksj i{k D;k gS)?

              First of all eS fcekj Hkh jgrk gq rks eq>ls iMk gqvk dke ns[kk ugh tkrk, thls eS djuk pkgrk gqA
         Last of all /kks[kk nsus okys C;Drh vxj lkeus vk tk, rks cnyk ysdj gh jgrk gqA
28. What position do you accept to have in 2 to 5 year? (nks ls ikp lkyks es vki fdl position dk mEehn j[krs gS)?
Ans:- I want to become a success full manager in 2 to 5 year.

29. What was wrong with your current or last position or you want to change job? (vkids vafre ,oa orZeku uSdjh es D;k xyr gS  vki viuk ukSdjh D;ks cnyuk pkgrs gS)?
Ans:- well there company is industrial company and there are very much pollution.
29. Why has you join there? Why have you not come back in my company?
Well, because my economic condition was week.  I had require Money So Much.
30. Do you have any question for me? do you ask anything from me? (D;k vki eq>ls dqN iqNuk pkgrs gS D;k vkids ikl esjs fy, dksbZ iz”u gS)?
31. *Some important topic*
a.) My Indiai
India is my country. It is famous country. Here people are hard worker and honesty. Here febret  bird is picoc. Here good river is ganga. There are 33 states in India country. There are five very big city of India and his name is Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai. Delhi is the capital of India. Dr. manmohan singh is prime minister of India. Shri pranab mukharjee is president of India. The first prime minister of India was jwaharlal neharu. Rajendar babu  is first president of India. Hindi is my country level language.
b.) *Telecom industry*
This industry is very famous industry. It is networking industry. This industry have in power all  business some are example of telecom industry. TATA INDICOME, RELANCE, VODAFONE, AIRTEL, AIRCEL, UNINOR, IDEA. There are many facilities of telecom industry. First facilities is GSM and CDMA line.
c.)*Fevered food *
My fevered food is rice, bread, and plush and vesitabs chips. Many people like this food as like my all friends.
d.)*Fevered Sports*
My fevered sport is cricket. There are eleven players in a time in one team. Cricket field is always ground. There are three impairs in a play match. Field peach height is  22 yard. India, Pakistan, Australia, srilanka, England, England is very famous team of all over india for cricket.
e.) *My fevered Actors*
My federate actor is salman khan. His fight style is very useful. I see his fight in picture. I like his movie style very much. His movies love story is very like. He has habby body. Many people are like salman khan.
f.) *My fevered player *
My fevered player is sachin tendulkar. In this team his present run=30036, play total mach=597,total bicket=     ,total sixes=102 and  total fourth run= 144.

32. How do you come to know about our company(gkekjs dEiuh es vkidks vkus fd tkudkjh dSls gqbZ gS)?

Ans:-vkids dEiuh es ges vkus fd tkudkjh by friend , and news paper }jk vkids dEiuh es eq>s vkus fd tkudkjh  gqbZ gSA vki ds dEiuh es vkus ds fy, dqN C;äh us eq>s tkudkjh nh bl izdkj vkids dEiuh es eq>s vkus fd tkudkjh izIr gqbZA
Interview in English For Communication Or PBO Jobs Part 1St Interview in English For Communication Or PBO Jobs Part 1St Reviewed by Mainuddin Ansari on Thursday, October 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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